2024 Year in Review
Image by Rakicevic Nenad
By Stephanie Ellis-Smith, Founder and CEO
As 2025 gets underway there is a widely shared view that we are living in uniquely perilous and uncertain times. This feels true – but I confess I’m always a little nervous at the start of a new year. What challenges will I and our team at Phīla have to overcome? What opportunities will come our way? How will we adapt if the landscape changes? Trying to foresee all the possibilities is a little scary and plenty exhausting.
A practice that grounds me is to use the start of a new year to be grateful and give thanks. Towards that end, I want to share a few highlights of what was a gratifying 2024 for Phīla. Reflecting on the accomplishments of my colleagues and our amazing community of partners fills me with energy and optimism about what lies ahead and motivates me to hit the ground running to have the greatest possible impact for our clients and the important causes that so desperately need their funding.
2024 Wins
The most important measure of our success at Phīla is whether our clients increase their giving once they start working with us. While many factors influence each client’s generosity, a few variables are always important: creating a workable giving plan that all participants feel connected to and responsible for; increasing our clients’ knowledge of issue areas and the nonprofit sector so they feel more confident in their decision-making; participating in meaningful collaborations with allied professionals in estate planning, financial management, and taxation to help our shared clients make the most strategic and thoughtful decisions.
We’ve been privileged to witness and share in many of our clients’ philanthropic accomplishments, but a few anecdotes showcase the best of our work in 2024:
After decades of traditional giving, an inheritor couple wanted to do more. We partnered with them on a comprehensive and reflective review of their goals and how to achieve them. Ultimately we helped them embark on an audacious plan to donate the majority of their wealth in 10 years and increase their annual giving budget from $500,000 to over $20M, a 40x increase!
An inheritor was inspired to significantly draw down their donor advised fund by distributing $2M over a four-month period, the most they’ve ever given.
A retired software executive developed plans to distribute $5M after having never made any philanthropic investments.
A private equity executive made their first foray into underwriting by funding a public television program, giving it a new season.
While these numbers are important, we also care a great deal about HOW our clients give. Qualitative measures reveal how our donors are interacting with the sector and what they are doing to diminish power imbalances and advance equity in the field. Since working with us, 100% of our clients have adopted at least two of the following trust-based philanthropic practices:
Adopting participatory grantmaking models that empower community decision-makers
Making multi-year, general operating support grantmaking
Simplifying and adding transparency to grant application and reporting processes
Reviewing and committing non-financial assets to support organizations and sector leaders (e.g., artwork, land transfers, network introductions, etc.)
Internal Transformation
“Transformation” has always been important to Phīla’s mission. We speak most often about transforming the practices of our clients so they are more active and intentional with their philanthropy. But 2024 was a year of internal transformation for us as well. We increased our focus on the how and why of our work. We invested in ourselves by crafting a refined business strategy that leverages our strengths to provide excellent service to our clients and offer a supportive work environment that honors the talents of our team.
We studied our biggest wins so we can understand, document, and replicate “the Phīla way.” We looked at what didn’t go as expected and moments when we could have done better. Taking the time to learn from our mistakes taught us where to dedicate more time and effort.
We went on a hiring spree and brought on a few of the smartest people in philanthropy who are well-equipped to share their expertise, using their hearts as well as their heads to steward people and communities. We’ve evolved from a one-woman operation to a team of dedicated experts who are steering Phīla toward the future with wisdom and drive.
Our team is comprised of 88% women, 66% people of color, and 22% members of the LGBTQ+ community. Our team not only reflects our country’s diversity, it represents populations that are coming into more wealth, showcasing the unique value-add Phīla offers to budding philanthropists.
Thought Leadership
We continued to expand our online presence and thought leadership in 2024. As our business has grown, so has the number of people who want to know what we are up to and hear our perspective on developments in the field. One clear indicator is our monthly newsletter Insights in Philanthropy, which has increased the number of subscribers by 23% .We regularly get comments from folks expressing how much they enjoy receiving it, which is extremely gratifying. Thank you! Insights is truly a team effort and each of us are grateful for our readership. Our followers on Instagram and LinkedIn have grown by over 80% and traffic to our website increased 40% from 2023.
We were also thrilled to have two of our pieces published externally. The first was on the growing trend of major funders joining nonprofits in fundraising activities in The Stanford Social Innovation Review, and the second was our take on what the 2024 election may mean for philanthropy in The Chronicle of Philanthropy.
We also began to share our perspectives through webinars on political giving and the New Economy. Creating webinars was a new activity for us and it was exciting to bring field leaders together to share timely information with our audiences. We hope to continue presenting webinars in 2025 so please let us know if there are topics you’d like us to cover!
Looking Ahead
We continue to create a network of strong supporters and dedicated clients, all of whom have had a tremendous impact on our growth and success. As I look ahead to the new year, I am excited for what’s ahead. We have a few particular priorities at Phīla:
Expanding and enhancing client service offerings: Responding to our clients' needs, we're creating more comprehensive and tailored solutions, like foundation management services and grantmaking oversight.
Field building and thought leadership: We aim to deepen our impact within the sector by fostering growth, sharing our insights, and contributing to a stronger, more innovative philanthropic landscape.
Embracing technology and fostering creative partnerships: We're exploring new technologies and innovative collaborations to amplify our impact and bring fresh perspectives to our work.
As a team, we will be leaning into our vision:
To foster transformation–both within the philanthropic sector and the families and organizations we serve. We work toward a world where philanthropy is a nurturing and equity-centered practice that releases wealth to the people and communities who need it most.
This goal truly energizes me and helps me to focus more clearly on the work ahead. If this animates you too, join us in the effort. 2024 was a banner year for Phīla, but it’s only the beginning. 2025 will be a moment for opportunity and we are grateful for our clients, partners, and supporters (current and prospective) who believe in the power of philanthropy to change lives for the better.